A couple of years ago, I was in Walmart's craft department and saw this gorgeous tortise-shell colored yarn. It was so soft (I am a sucker for fuzzy yarn) and the muted colors were perfectly blended together. I couldn't resist it even though there was only one skein left in the clearance department. It sat in my yarn stash, waiting to be picked for the small project it could support.
It seemed that hope was dim for the lone skein until I found the exact same yarn in Michael's Craft Store. Could it be true? Yes - it was Red Heart's Symphony color Earth Brown! Unbelievable! I immediately picked out several more skeins and happily brought them home to their long lost cousin. NOW I can make something; NOW there is hope!
Of all the things I like to do creatively, it seems that I am always drawn back to knitting. My projects may not be finished for years, but they eventually will be, and they will be used or worn or given away. Thanks to vacation, I pulled out the beautiful Earth Brown yarn and started a V-necked, sleeveless top. Here is what has been accomplished since last night.