Sunday, July 31, 2016

Embroidery Experiments

The final machine that needed setting up was my embroidery machine. It was boxed up last summer and waited around for my attention to come back to it, which it did this weekend!

This is the Singer Futura XL400 hooked up to my old laptop that has the stitch designs in it.
The XL400 attaches to the computer with a USB cable. This set up saved me thousands when it was machine buying time. I found it on sale and decided to go for it. The box was so big, I couldn't get it in my car. I had to take it out and slit the box corners so it would fold down lower!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sewing Skill: The Y-Seam Tutorial

Ah, the beautiful, intimidating Y-seam. It makes a lovey, mitred picture frame effect in a quilt block.

We love to see it in completed projects but shy away from sewing seams that are disjointed in construction. If you've sewn for any length of time, this is a desired skill! Let's practice up. Here are my tips to help you dive into the Y-seam world of sewing!

Tee Shirt Quilt - The Layout

What of you sew in summer? Tee shirts quilts!

Getting the shirts laid out in an attractive order is a big step towards a good looking quilt. 

This is what I'm going with. 

Part of the fun of making a tee shirt quilt is cutting up clothes! Where are my scissors?!

Want a tee shirt quilt? Check out my post on styles and sizes. Leave me a message. Let's get one done!