Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's a good thing Sunday's sermon was about stress...

We are in the month that the snow melts and the rain falls and the thoughts of spring rise up in our minds.

I got up this morning, switched on the water for some tea, got my computer onto the website for the day's chapters, let Sparkie outside and went downstairs to let the cats out of the cellar and that's when I saw it.

Our basement floor was wet. Oh man...flooding...I hate it when this happens. About half of the floor had water on it. The sump pump was clicking on every minute or so but the french drain couldn't contain all the water. This was not a nice way to start the day.

The only thing that redeemed my frustration was the fact that we have been throwing out junk that was down there, and got the stuff we wanted to store re-organized and put away. Fortunately, there wasn't anything "important" on the floor that got wet. There were some empty boxes that got wet, and some other things that are waiting for their trip to the trash can also sitting in water, but everything else was high and dry.

Funny how things happen after the seed of the Word is planted. Kinda like the circumstances are a trying of the faith, or a tare that is sown as an attempt to overtake the new, tender growth of truth. I think I need to listen to Sunday's message again to water the planting of the Word. It has definately been helping me so far this week.

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