Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Matters of the Heart - part 4 of ?

Let's get back to what the Word says about the heart.

The next form of the word heart we find in the Old Testament is the Hebrew word Sekviy (sek-vee) which means observant, i.e. the mind.

Of all places to find this word, we see it in the book of Job, chapter 38 and verse 36 "...who has put wisdom in the innermost part, or given understanding to the heart?" It is worth the 2 minutes it would take to read the entire chapter to get a proper context of what is being said here. Basically, Job was having some conversations with God and in chapter 38, God began to give a list of questions to Job as to what man has done, compared to what He has done. God began to prove His omniscience and man's ignorance, in comparison to it.

Keep in mind that Job had lost practically everything at the beginning of the book. He was being tested and tried, and in the end he came out with the right attitude over the test. At the end, he was restored with even more than what he started out with. But in the mean time, if anyone might develop a misunderstanding over observations, it would be Job.

Our natural thinking would question the difficulties and losses that Job faced. Our observations of the seemingly unfair and downright horrific scenario that Job endured would definitely shake our faith's strength. It would cause us to wonder if this was because of something we had done wrong, or question why God would not stop it, temper it, or allow it at all.

This reminds me of the song Blessed Be Your Name which says "You give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name!". Can we come to the place where our natural observations will not cause our faith and trust in God to waver? Consider Who it is that you are believing in. God will not be moved! We can still our minds, pull back from the observations, and remember that God knows what He's doing even though we don't have full understanding during moments of trial.

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