Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vintage Fun

We decided to take a drive out to a couple of our favorite antique stores last weekend and wouldn't you know, I spotted a Singer 221. I actually found it 6 months ago in the same store but didn't try to make a deal. "Too pricey." "Don't need another machine." "Maybe next time." I reasoned it out of my mind. 

She was still sitting there, stuck in a cabinet with her carrying case, waiting to be put back into commission. We looked her over and over and over. It was the day to make an offer. 

We bought a couple other things and then plopped the big box on the counter. "I'm interested. Will the seller do a better price?" Holding my breath, they called the vendor, who's name was Pam, and proposed my offer to her. 

"We never know how she'll take offers. There's good days and bad ones." We wait as the seconds of silence tick while Pam checks her records to see if the price will work for her. And she accepted! I became the new owner of a vintage machine!

Here she is. The Singer Featherweight Model 221. 

She was made in the June 1, 1950 batch run and still sews today. 

Do you have a vintage sewing machine? Here's a site where you can identify your model -
Or just look at the interesting designs of the machines over the years. Thery made ones that look like the form of a nail gun, a band saw, a mix master... They're all so cool! Do you have a vintage machine? Or maybe several?

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