Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Crush me! Power sewing on Thanksgiving Eve

It's Thanksgiving Eve. People are buzzing about the grocery stores, buying up the last minute ingredients for the big day tomorrow. The roads are full of cars. Moms are baking pies and planning what time to start cooking the turkey in the morning. Kids are home from college. Tables are set. Airports are busting with people trying to get to grandma's house for turkey and her dressing that no one else in the family can duplicate.

I'm not doing anything like that today. We don't cook, we visit, eat, and go home afterwards. So my evening is quite relaxed. I can look forward to several days off from work. It's rather enjoyable. And there's plenty of time to get into the Crush!

This time, I am not following the exact order as the mystery instructions reveal them. The 4-patches are done and now I skipped back a few steps and am making the red/black 1/2 square triangles (used the Easy Angle tool for that) and got 128 sets made.

Power sewing time! Set them under the foot, line up the long side of the triangle with my handy-dandy 1/4" seam allowance tape edge, and send them through one after another. This is chain sewing at its finest! Go - go  - go!!! Sew - sew - sew!!!

 After a while, you have a long string of the sets piling up on the table behind the sewing machine. This is about 40 of them...

When they are sewn, it's time to press! Normally I am not all that fond of having to stand there and iron fabric, but my sewing room is the coldest room in my house and this job has become a pleasure! The steam puffing out and floating up towards my arms and face is a welcomed side effect of the job. Yes -  yes - yes!!! Press - press - press!!!
Before you know it, all 120 of them are done! Another small step towards the finish line. Tomorrow, as I have the time between running around to visits and a nap, I plan to get sewing the first batch of actual blocks together. We'll see how many of the 30 blocks the "Crush" needs that I can finish on Thanksgiving Day. It would be pretty cool to get them all sewn.

Sasha understands.

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